Save Kitchen Waste for Hens, vintage image courtesy of the UK Imperial Museum Sorry for delay in posting. I thought I had this on automatic and then went to the farm and realized it didn't post when I got back. This one is another fun one. I have posted a couple of similar posters with this same theme, but both of them related to saving scraps for pigs. This one asks people to save scraps for hens (but mentions pigs in the caption). It dates to WWII, the 1940's of course, and comes to us from the UK. The hens look excited don't they? LOL. Residents could get a pail or bucket from the Council and just put food scraps and related waste in there and it would be picked up weekly. Of course, it was for food waste only, as it says on the poster, keeping it dry and free of glass, metal, bones and paper. As you may have seen from yesterday's post, it's been record breaking heat here, so most of my activities have been limited to indoors...