Here in Texas, we love March and's when the wildflowers go crazy in bloom.  Last Spring however was very dry, and so there were very few wildflowers.  This year, we've been blessed with a very wet Winter and looks like Spring will be wet as well.  That's making for what appears to be a bumper crop of wildflowers this Spring.  What we wouldn't give to have them year round, sadly they last about a month and then it returns to just green and weedy.  So while we have them, I thought I'd share what we saw this weekend at the farm:  

Above is the view of the pasture across the street from us.  We can't see it from the house as we are a few acres down the driveway, but we see it every time we drive in or out and that's just fine with us.  It's about 20 acres of these white flowers, it almost looks like water and is so pretty.

And above is just one small portion of the roadside ditch down at the end of the road we turn onto.  It's just literally a mile or so of these flowers on both sides of the road as we drive toward the farm.  The mix of colors is also SO pretty.  It's a beautiful way to arrive home.  I'll have some more pics, including the famous "Bluebonnet", next weekend when we drive around looking for more.

Hope you enjoy!


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