New Update Keys to nutrient deficiency symptoms in crops
B.Sc.Ag. (Hons) Part-I
Nutrient deficiency in crops. |
The following simple key gives a place to start diagnosing nutrient deficiencies:
Keys to nutrient deficiency symptoms in crops
Nutrient Colour change in lower leaves
N Plant light green, older leaves yellow
P Plants dark green with purple cast, leaves and plants small
K Yellowing and scorching along the margin of older leaves
Mg Older leaves have yellow discolouration between veins-finally reddish purple from edge inward
Zn Pronounced interveinal chlorosis and bronzing of leaves
Nutrient Colour change in upper leaves (terminal bud dies)
Ca Delay in emergence of primary leaves, terminal buds deteriorate
B Leaves near growing point turn yellow, growth buds appear as white or light brown, with dead tissue.
Nutrient Colour change in upper leaves (terminal bud remains alive)
S Leaves including veins turn pale green to yellow, first appearance in young leaves.
Fe Leaves yellow to almost white, interveinal chlorosis at leaf tip
Mn Leaves yellowish-gray or reddish, gray with green veins
Cu Young leaves uniformly pale yellow. May wilt or wither without chlorosis
Mo Wilting of upper leaves, then chlorosis
Cl Young leaves wilt and die along margin.
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