A couple of years ago, I registered the domain name for the blog but I wasn't sure what I had to do to make it direct to the blog. As all things computer related often are, it seemed like it just HAD to be complicated somehow.
Little did I know, it was as simple as flipping a virtual switch on the registry website for the domain name. I just "told" the system where to direct people, simple, quick and 1-2-3.
Little did I know, it was as simple as flipping a virtual switch on the registry website for the domain name. I just "told" the system where to direct people, simple, quick and 1-2-3.
Now, if you ever forget the longer address, you can just type in www (sometimes you don't even need to do that), our blog name, and of course the ".com", and it will find us. If however you have us saved as a favorite or bookmarked as it is now, there is no need to change anything at all, it will still work as usual, no worries.
Nothing is changing. This is just another way to reach us.
Nothing is changing. This is just another way to reach us.
Ain't technology grand? *
(* when it works, LOL!)
(* when it works, LOL!)
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