THEY'RE BAAAACK...ARRRRGH!  SO upsetting...  

So this is what we walked into at the farm.  Remember last week?  Just a few nibbles.  This week, the entire edge of the flooring from one side to the other...

And on the other side, same thing, stripped out huge chunks of the vinyl flooring trying to get out. 

We're guessing this is more than a snake and a mouse.  There was also additional large scat (poop) today.  I did some more Googling and there is a chance it's either a roof rat (aka Norwegian rat) or a possum.  Whatever it is is, it has to be something living perhaps in the attic and coming down through the walls behind the water heater or maybe even something hiding/living back up under the bathtub.  One this is for sure, I'm not sticking my face under to check it out.  For brief moment I thought maybe we should just leave the doors open but then my brain cleared and I realized that would just let whatever it is INTO the rest of the house to do who knows what to furniture, beds or other flooring.

SO...we're fighting back!

2nd Family loaned us their live trap, we baited it and set it.  We put it in the bathroom and shut the doors.  They have generously offered to check the house twice a day, every day this week and keep an eye on it for us.

They promised to get a picture if possible, and I was sure to leave them the necessary tools.  Our best zombie wild animal fighting equipment...

...a heavy duty flashlight and a machete!

We've had the inside of the house finished now for almost 2 years and the bathroom doors have been shut when we're not there for all that time.  Some occasional mouse droppings but that's it.  This is a new hurdle for us and it's frustrating to say the least.  If this doesn't work, we'll be calling in the pros.  

It's always something in the country, huh?


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