Every Monday, Daphne's Dandelions hosts "Harvest Monday" where bloggers can post their harvests. Click her link above to see what others are harvesting and see below for what we harvested recently:
These are the last of what we harvested before I pulled up the garden plants for peak Summer heat. I thought I had posted this but I realize I didn't. Since it still counts toward our year to date totals, I'll post it now*
(*and I decided to do it with a different kind of photo, ha)
Jalapeños are now done, they did really well considering we just had one plant. Next Spring, a couple of plants at least. There were ten six (garden snacking, don't judge, ha) cherry tomatoes and they were so good. Still, they didn't do as well as we had hoped. Might be too late of a start and the heat got them before they really started. Same for the tomatoes, these are Homestead 24's, they did the best in our heat. Will try them again next year.
Also harvested some herbs, but no picture of them, standard basil, chives, oregano and thyme.
Vegetable harvest: 2 lb 10 oz
Herb harvest: 15 oz
Total harvest YTD: 15 lb 12 oz
Happy Harvesting!
P.S. For those who missed it, look at yesterday's post for a weekend update. Hope you had a nice weekend!
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