"...Increasing heat index values expected each afternoon over the next several days and through the upcoming week across Southeast Texas...the combination of warm temperatures and high dew points will produce afternoon heat index values of 100 to 105 degrees over the weekend across much of the area.
The hottest conditions are expected mainly between 1 PM and 6 PM CDT.

The highest heat index temperatures could exceed 110 degrees by midweek.
Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside.  If possible...slow down...reduce...or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities until the coolest part of the day.  Wear light weight...loose fitting...and light colored clothing to reflect heat and sunlight. Drink plenty of water and avoid any alcoholic and caffeinated beverages."

The eggplants, after struggling due to the ant infestation bounced back and we harvested about a dozen or so but now the plants are starting to struggle.

The herbs are hanging in, basils are doing the best, but even they are starting to fade as the intense heat of our Summer kicks in.

So, we decided it was time for me to start putting the garden to rest for the hottest part of the year.  I pulled up all the tomato plants.

We're beginning to think that our Summers are just too hot to do regular gardening, or   I think we could get by with some hot weather crops like okra and cowpea family of plants, but of course it's too late this season.  We do have a Fall season but I need to assess our beds and figure out what's best to do first, amending the soil, etc.  This coming weekend we'll do a better assessment of what we have left to do and where we stand on our progress.  So far, we haven't been too disappointed with our learning process and we're already deciding what worked, what didn't and what to do for next Spring.

As the classic Kenny Rogers song goes...

"You've got to know when to hold 'em, 
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away,
Know when to run."

It's time to fold 'em for this Summer garden but there is still a lot to do and things we'll have to do to get the beds ready for a potential Fall planting.


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