It's time to play another farm edition of what lies beneath!

So I get out to the shed where zen machine is kept.  I saw this!

A huge hole, dug under the mower, precariously close to the rear tire.  Whatever it was even shredded up the bag I had with some garden tools in it.

So the next thing I had to do was remove the cover.

I'll be honest, I didn't really want to stick my hand underneath this and pull it off, but I had to.  First, I pulled it off the rear tires and jumped back to see what might run out.

Nope, not an armadillo.  Thank goodness.  I know I grew up in Texas and they are everywhere, but they creep me out.  Next, I pulled the cover over the seat and steering wheel and jumped back...

Nope, it wasn't a skunk, tail up and ready to spray.  I swear I smelled a faint skunk odor in the wind though, perhaps my mind playing tricks on me.  Finally I pulled the rest of the cover off the front engine compartment and bumper and ran back...

Nope, it wasn't this either (though I have to admit, that would have been cool).  I got on, started it up and backed up quickly (and carefully)...

Alas, after all that drama and my increased heart rate, no real answer. 
This was it.  Just a hole in the ground and piles of dirt.

So the mystery remains.  I'm thinking it could have been one of 2nd Family's dogs that chased an animal under the mower and then dug and dug into the ground to get at it.  At least that's what I choose to believe.  Whatever the outcome, we'll never know.

Never a dull moment at the farm but I wouldn't trade it for anything!


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