Wall mounted oil lamps off
When we spent the night at the farm a couple of nights last month, we used the wall mounted oil lamps that we bought last year and this time, I finally remembered to take some pictures so we could share what they look like.  They put out a surprisingly large amount of light when all of them were lit.  There is one more to the left of the photo, just out of camera range, five total.
(pay no mind to the missing roller shade, it will soon be replaced, ha). 

There is no overhead lighting in the dining room and while we do have a couple of wall outlets that we could plug lamps into, for now anyway, we're going to try it with oil lamps and candles as the lighting source in the dining room.

Wall mounted oil lamps lit
It's soft light, inviting and warm, and it harkens back to an older time.  It's obviously still a work in progress but we think it's coming along nicely!

We have to remind ourselves we don't have to be in a hurry, it will all come together as it's supposed to and this lighting is just one more step.

The next step is an old fashioned tabletop oil lamp for each room and we've got some ideas for that (and even already have some options).

They are pretty and practical to have hanging up all year round, and in an emergency, they can be our light source for any room.  I guess you could say this is all part of our prepping in plain sight I blogged about a while back.


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