Our property is made up of mostly mesquite trees with a few oddball random trees thrown in, like these.

I'm a newbie when it comes to "oh that's a such and such tree".  Sure I can identify some of the obvious (Mesquite especially, LOL) but there are these two that I'm not sure what they are.  I'd like to know so that I can properly care for them, prune them correctly, fertilize them, etc.

Here is a closeup picture:
Standard size trunk, rough bark, with small, oval green leaves.

The Two Sisters
There are two, so naturally I created a winding path between them with the mower.  I've taken to calling them "The Two Sisters".  On all of the property, there aren't any other trees like these two.

Since they aren't really native to the property, as in there aren't others like them all over the place, and they are both the same height, it makes me wonder if maybe they were planted, once upon a time, on purpose?


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