Saturday, we decided to stop at Home Depot to get some cleaning products for the farm. The garden section is pretty much desolate this time of year but I wandered to the back of the section anyway to look at concrete pavers. That's when I saw these two trees. Crape Myrtle trees I was standing there for a second and about to walk away and the guy that worked there said "you want those trees?" I smiled and said "no thanks, I wasn't here to buy trees today". He said "no, not to buy, I was about to throw these out, but you can have them if you want". UM... FREE TREES? HELL YEAH! Natchez Crape Myrtle This one is Crape Myrtle "Natchez", a white flower... Tuscarora Crape Myrtle This one is Crape Myrtle "Tuscarora", a hot pink flower... Apparently they throw them out if they look scraggly and it's the end of the season. Sad note, he said he threw out "about a dozen" a few day...